Average Commute Time for Citizens in Boise, Idaho: Get the Facts

Are you curious about what the average commute time for citizens in Boise, Idaho is? According to a study conducted by the Idaho Department of Transportation, the average commute time for citizens in Boise is about 20 minutes.

Average Commute Time for Citizens in Boise, Idaho: Get the Facts

Car ownership in Boise City, ID is comparable to the national average, with an average of two cars per household. This chart shows the number of workers in Idaho in various wage groups compared to the national average. The average travel time may be slightly better or worse depending on the part of Idaho you live in. The chart below illustrates how the percentage of uninsured people in Boise City, ID has changed over time compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance. The homeownership rate in Boise City, ID is 62.4%, which is roughly equal to the national average of 64.6%.

The table below shows the percentages of U. S. citizenship in Boise City, ID compared to its neighboring geographies and matrices. The chart below displays households in Boise City, ID, distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group.

The table below shows how the number of patients seen by primary care doctors has been changing over time in Ada County, ID, compared to neighboring geographies. The chart below shows senators elected in Idaho over time, excluding special elections, colored by their political party. Idaho's income inequality (measured with the Gini index) is 0.473, lower than the national average. The chart below illustrates homes in Boise City, ID, distributed among a number of car ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group. Are you curious about what the average commute time for citizens in Boise, Idaho is? According to a study conducted by the Idaho Department of Transportation, the average commute time for citizens in Boise is about 20 minutes. This is slightly lower than the national average commute time of 25 minutes.

However, this can vary depending on where you live and work within Boise. The study also found that most people living in Boise drive alone to work. About 75% of commuters drive alone while only about 10% carpool and 5% use public transportation. This means that traffic congestion can be an issue during rush hour times. In conclusion, citizens living in Boise have an average commute time of 20 minutes which is slightly lower than the national average. Most people drive alone to work and traffic congestion can be an issue during rush hour times.

Calvin Grasmick
Calvin Grasmick

Unapologetic coffee ninja. Award-winning tv junkie. Proud tvaholic. Proud coffee fanatic. Freelance beer guru. Award-winning coffee junkie.